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We will temporarily turn Crooked House into a science fiction & fantasy bookstore by digging deep into our storage for paperbacks, first editions, limited editions, original art, and more.
We will also put on display a collection of fan material centered around the very first World Science Fiction Convention to be held in the Northwest, which was the 1950 Norwescon in Portland. We've got a large archive of documentation about the convention and the Portland fan society that sponsored it. (That photo of a handwritten sheet is part of the entire visitor list of Norwescon. Over 500 people attended.)
There are multiple mimeographed copies of Norwescon's final report. These will be available for purchase for $25 during Geek Week only--after that, they go back into storage.
They will be open Friday the 13th as well as the typical two Saturdays during Geek Week.
Friday, Sept 13th,
Saturday, Sept 7th & 14th
LOCATION: Crooked House Books, 1602 NE 40th Ave, Portland
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