Fan Expo Portland is calling all champions in the region. A rift has opened, and villains from across the Fandom Multiverse have invaded the city. We need your help to capture the Villains and recruit the Heroes. Fans will follow the clues around the city while on the hunt and post a pic of the hero or villain they have found in BabbleBuy to help authorities contain the threats.
Solve 3 of the 8 clues and post them in BabbleBuy to win rewards including the Grand Prize of 2 tickets to FAN EXPO Portland for Sunday January 26th. Prizes announced on Jan 20th.
1. Can Sam save Dean in time?
Hunting alone, Dean ran into a group of demons. Sam needs to get there asap! Post a pic of anything they need to fight the demons or any Supernatural memorabilia.
2. Be there in a Flash
Zip across the city to find a rogues gallery of The Flash’s greatest enemies. Capture a pic of any Flash Villain or any of the Flash’s team, if you are fast enough find them. We suggest starting at your favorite comic shop and posting a comic cover. Then visit the cast of The Flash at FAN EXPO Portland.
3. Up in the Sky - it’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…
It’s Superman, coming to the Portland Fan Expo in January. Use the Superman Logo to call him to your side when you see a Villain skulking through the streets. Post a pic of the Superman Logo wherever you find it, and the Man of Steel will save the day.
4. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been spotted
Is he a vicious vampire or the ultimate anti-hero? Post a pic of any Buffy memorabilia or collectible to help decode his intentions.
5. The Hazbin Hotel hosts know redemption is hard
The confrontation between Heaven and Hell has come to the neighborhoods of Portland. Pick a side and post a photo of your favorite supernatural iconography. Choose one of the many metaphysical spots around town to find a talisman.
6. One Piece Pirates are sailing up the Willamette
The vocal cast on One Piece visiting FAN EXPO are looking for any information that will lead to the capture of sea-faring scoundrels. Scour game stores for Game Cards, reward posters or other One Piece booty. Post a pic of your find in BabbleBuy.
7. Boba Fett is expanding his territory
Tatooine is not big enough for Boba Fett’s ambition. As he looks to expand, he needs all the help he can get, including spaceships, arms, staff and potential allies. Post a pic on any Star Wars Lego builds you think he may need.
8. Earth, Air, Fire and Water
Which Bender are you? Need help mastering your element? Capture a photo of your favorite character. Start with Japanese pop culture shops or your own collection. Make sure to visit the voice cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender at FAN EXPO.